European Regional Summit

Value of Digitalisation Beyond Imagination

December 4 – 5, 2024


“We help everyone who wants to achieve ambitious goals in the field of clean energy transformation. We foster and support growth, innovation, and networking with leading industry professionals. Our wide network of business contacts and rich knowledge in various fields is the result of many years of experience. “

Mojca Černelč Koprivnikar, Director








“I think this event is a valuable initiative, as it offers us the opportunity to talk with people from the sector about energy trends, which is extremely important.”

Alberto Pototschnig, ACER

“I liked the format and organization of this event, which is the best model I’ve seen so far. It is an interactive platform where we can share experiences and discuss how to move forward with innovation, especially in the field of electrification.”

Dr. Lei Xianzhang, State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC)

“I really love the conference mainly because it tries to integrate various stakeholders working in the energy and business sectors. It tries to bring them to one place and encourage them to talk.”

Dr. Dejan Savič, Greenpeace Slovenia

“Innovation of energy encourages dialogue between different sectors and industries – this is a precondition for innovation and the main reason why we sponsored this event.”

Anton Petric, Director, Cisco Systems, USA

“What I really liked about the event is that you had all these presentations and a small competition that made the whole thing a little more exciting to watch and to participate in.”

Dr. Henrik Lund, Aalborg University


DES ’24 Energy of the Future: Digital Transformation at the Heart of Change

DES ’24 Energy of the Future: Digital Transformation at the Heart of Change

Top experts from the energy industry gathered at the Digital Energy Summit ’24 to explore how Digitalization is powering the Green Revolution! Representatives from major companies such as Huawei, Siemens Energy, ELES, GEN-I, and Končar highlighted the pivotal role of advanced technologies—from artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to digital twins and smart grids—in improving energy efficiency, sustainability, and cybersecurity.

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Top 10 Use Case Presentations at Digital Energy Summit ’23

Top 10 Use Case Presentations at Digital Energy Summit ’23

The Digital Energy Summit ’23, scheduled for December 6th and 7th, promises a wealth of insights into the evolving digital energy landscape, innovative technologies, and solutions shaping the industry’s future. Here’s a sneak peek into some noteworthy use case presentations.

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Digital Energy Summit ’22: Here’s What We’ve Learned

Digital Energy Summit ’22: Here’s What We’ve Learned

It’s a wrap on Digital Energy Summit ’22! The speakers from various countries explained the current situation, addressed the importance of digitalisation and opportunities in the energy sector, discussed concrete automated and digitized solutions that contribute to easier coping with the energy crisis, and presented good examples from practice.

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3 Speakers You Won’t Want to Miss at Digital Energy Summit ‘22

3 Speakers You Won’t Want to Miss at Digital Energy Summit ‘22

At the coming Digital Energy Summit ’22 you’ll be able to hear from renowned international speakers who will explore the ever-important need for regional cooperation and digitalisation of the energy sector at a time when Europe is battling an energy crisis and new technologies are changing business models.

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Ljudje smo ne glede na tehnološki napredek predvsem socialna bitja, ki smo se skozi tisočletja učili drug od drugega skozi skupna doživetja. Prosperia zato že od leta 2009 sledi svoji viziji podpore udeležencem in njihovim podjetjem oziroma organizacijam, iz katerih prihajajo, ko zato, da dosežejo svoje cilje in rast na področju zelene transformacije, želijo usvajati nova znanja, se posvetovati s potencialnimi partnerji in strankami ter premikati iz obstoječih načinov v nove načine razmišljanja, ki jih še bolj podpirajo, ter v pogumno delovanje tudi izven ustaljenih vzorcev, s pomočjo moderiranih srečanj, ki imajo moč navdiha.


Glavni cilj Prosperie je, da vas zato, ker se lažje bogatite z novimi znanji in ustvarjate uspešno prihodnost v interakciji z drugimi, povezuje. Tako kot vas povezuje energetika in vsa njena omrežja. Povezujemo strokovnjake, ki presegajo ozko stroko in v energetiki širijo obzorja. Povezujemo vsa področja, kjer najdemo komplementarna znanja, ki so pomembna za nadaljnjo rast in razvoj, zeleno transformacijo, pa naj bo to okolje, digitalizacija, nove tehnologije ali kaj drugega. Povezujemo različne strokovne panoge, ljudi in energije. Zato se trudimo povezovati na videz kdaj nepovezljive teme in neprestano odkrivati nove dimenzije. Kajti to je Prosperia.

Prvotno smo svoje poslanstvo našli v organiziranju strokovnih dogodkov in srečanj na področju energetske transformacije, kmalu pa so nas priložnosti popeljale širše. Sedaj mnogim podjetjem pomagamo organizirati dogodke, jih moderirati ali jim le vdihniti energijo, po kateri si udeleženci dogodek zapomnijo. Nekateri pa se na nas obrnejo po nasvet, kako zasnovati ali izpeljati dogodek, ki za udeležence ustvarja dodano vrednost, pa naj bo ta izveden v živo, spletno ali hibridno. Vsakič pristopimo unikatno in v vsak dogodek vtkemo svoje najboljše izkušnje.

Cenijo nas vsi, ki so radovedni in vedoželjni, nagnjeni k novostim in premikanju mej, pa naj bodo te osebne, poslovne ali na področju celotne industrije.

Prosperia obljublja rast in napredek vsem, ki sodelujejo z nami in ki želijo aktivno ustvarjati prosperitetno prihodnost. Na osebni in poslovni ravni. Ne samo na ravni imena – čeprav »nomen est omen«. Prosperia … zares!


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