Welcome to Digital Energy Summit!
European Regional Summit
Facing energy crisis in Europe: Why digitalisation is a game changer?
A meeting point for everyone who participates in the digital transformation of energy and is aware of its inevitability for a successful business today.
*Tune in on December 8th to watch the event live on YouTube! We will stream the first part of the conference between 9am and 10:05am. To watch the whole event, book the online pass.
What is Digital Energy Summit?
Digital Energy Summit aims to become the leading meeting point in central Europe, which connects bold energy experts with the digital world. You will learn about the major challenges of the energy sector in 2023 and how to address them successfully. It’s a must-attend event for those who are aware that data is the new oil and how optimization is crucially needed in the energy sector in time of crisis. Hot topics will include cybersecurity, big data analytics, smart metering, and interoperability. The event can be attended in person (Dec 7-8, Ljubljana, Slovenia) or online (live streaming).
attendees at our events
years of experience
Mag. Andrej Vizjak, minister, MOP
Je minister za okolje in prostor ter vodja poslanske skupine SDS. V preteklosti je bil minister za gospodarstvo, minister za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, župan občine Brežice in poslanec v državnem zboru. V družbi HESS je vodil službo za investicije in razvoj. Bil je tudi direktor podjetja Partner.
Martin Novšak, generalni direktor, MBA, GEN energija
Generalni direktor družbe GEN energija, ki je skupaj s sodelavci izvedel pomembne projekte, kot so modernizacija NEK, zamenjava ključne opreme, ureditev celovite podobe ter mnogo drugih dodelav, modifikacij in organizacijskih nadgradenj. V obdobju od leta 2006 do 2016 je bil namestnik predsednika uprave družbe Gen-i, d.o.o.
Dr. Marko Topič, predsednik platforme EU za fotovoltaiko, FE UL
Je vodilni mednarodno priznan strokovnjak, ki se že več kot petindvajset let osredotoča na raziskave s področja fotovoltaike. Je predsednik skupščine Slovenske tehnološke platforme za fotovoltaiko ter predsednik Evropske tehnološke in inovacijske platforme za fotovoltaiko ter predstojnik Laboratorija za fotovoltaiko in optoelektroniko na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani.
Blaž Košorok, državni sekretar, MzI
Trenutno je državni sekretar na Ministrstvu za infrastrukturo, v preteklosti je bil direktor družbe TE-TOL d.o.o., generalni direktor družbe Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o., COO družbe Akrapovič d.d. in član upravnih odborov strokovnih združenj na področju energetike, član NS Slovenskih železnic, Hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi d.o.o. ter Opere in baleta v Ljubljani.
Mag. Erik Potočar, vodja za področji OVE in URE, MzI
Je zaposlen na Direktoratu za energijo na Ministrstvu za infrastrukturo, kjer dela na področju učinkovite rabe energije in obnovljivih virov. Pred tem je delal v gospodarstvu in na Ministrstvu za znanost in tehnologijo na področju raziskav in razvoja.
Dr. Robert Golob, GEN-I
Predsednik uprave GEN-I, izredni profesor na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani in avtor številnih znanstvenih objav in referatov s področja trgov, optimizacije virov energije in načrtovanja EES z bogatimi izkušnjami iz energetike, ki je med drugim opravljal tudi naloge državnega sekretarja za energetiko in sodeloval pri nastajanju ključnih zakonov iz energetike.
Mag. Nada Drobne Popovič, predsednica uprave, Petrol
Nada Drobne Popović je doslej opravljala številne vidne funkcije v gospodarstvu, kot so pomočnica direktorja v podjetju RLS d.o.o, poslovna direktorica v podjetju SŽ ŽGP d.d, nato direktorica področja za ekonomiko in pozneje še pomočnica generalnega direktorja v podjetju Slovenske železnice d.o.o. V Slovenskem državnem holding je bila članica uprave, nato pa finančna direktorica v podjetju SIJ Acroni d.o.o. Na mesto predsednice uprave družbe Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, je imenovana za petletno mandatno obdobje s pričetkom 11. februarja 2020.
Dr. Ambrož Božiček, strokovnjak za OVE, HESS
Dr. Ambrož Božiček je na področju elektroenergetike svojo pot pričel kot raziskovalec in asistent v laboratoriju za električna omrežja in naprave na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani, in sicer na področju kakovosti električne energije, kompenzacijskih naprav in vpliva naprav energetske elektronike na omrežje.
V zadnjih letih se je pridružil družbi HESS, oddelku za razvoj in investicije, kjer je med drugim zadolžen tudi za investicije v nove proizvodne naprave, predvsem v večje sončne elektrarne.
Mag. Ana Stanič, vodilna odvetnica za pravo EU, E&A Law
Je direktorica v pisarni E&A Law v Londonu, gostujoča profesorica za področji energetike in arbitraže na univerzah v Dundeeju, Technische Univeristät v Berlinu in na Kitajskem. Več kot dvajset let dela kot odvetnica v Londonu, specializirana za področje energetike, mednarodne trgovinske arbitraže in zakonodaje EU. Od leta 2009 svetuje energetskim podjetjem, Evropski komisiji ter državam članicam EU glede evropskega prava, še posebej v povezavi s plinom, obnovljivimi viri ter podnebnimi spremembami.
Andrej Tumpej, direktor Dravskih elektrarn Maribor
Andrej Tumpej je začel z delom v družbi DEM na hidroelektrarni Formin kot inženir za elektro naprave. V nadaljevanju pa z nadgrajevanjem organizacijskih veščin vodil obratovanje hidroelektrarne Zlatoličje nato pa tudi proizvodne enote Spodnja Drava (HE Zlatoličje in HE Formin). Po izvedbi reorganizacije v družbi je prevzel vodenja obratovanja Dravskih elektrarn Maribor. Jeseni 2008 je prevzel vodenje tehničnega področja kot izvršni direktor. Od septembra 2017 je direktor družbe Dravske elektrarne Maribor. Je tudi predsednik ŠK A1 – Rotacijski stroji in problematika elektrarn pri Slovenskem združenju elektrotehnikov CIGRE-CIRED in predsednik Strokovnega sveta za tehniške predpise pri Elektrotehnični zvezi Slovenije.
Dr. Igor Šalamun, svetovalec uprave, Elektro Ljubljana
Je svetovalec uprave pri Elektru Ljubljana. Kot strokovnjak s področja jedrske tehnike si je pred tem več kot 30 let nabiral izkušnje v večjih slovenskih energetskih podjetjih, kot državni sekretar za področje energetike in generalni direktor direktorata za energijo pa je skrbel za nekatere ključne projekte in oblikovanje sistemskih rešitev v slovenski energetiki.
Dr. Jurij Curk, strokovnjak za omrežja, Elektro Ljubljana
Ima več kot 30 let praktičnih izkušenj na področju elektroenergetike, zlasti na distribucijskih in prenosnih elektroenergetskih omrežij. Deloval je na univerzi, pri načrtovanju in inženiringu, izvedbi kompleksnih projektov, proizvodnji opreme, ukvarjal se je s svetovanjem ter energetsko politiko. Od maja 2018 je zaposlen v Elektru Ljubljana kot svetovalec uprave za tehnološki razvoj. Ukvarja se s projekti, povezanimi z e-mobilnostjo, prožnostnim odjemom in pametnimi omrežji.
Mag. Uroš Salobir, direktor področja za strateške inovacije, Eles
Mag. Uroš Salobir, direktor področja za strateške inovacije, je v družbi ELES zaposlen že več kot 20 let. V tem obdobju se je največ ukvarjal z interno in mednarodno koordinacijo na področju obratovanja elektroenergetskih sistemov, trgov z električno energijo, infrastrukturnih projektov in tehničnih informacijskih sistemov. Bil je začetnik strateško inovacijskih aktivnosti v družbi in odgovoren za izvajanje nekaterih najzahtevnejših inovacijskih projektov v zgodovini Elesa. Sodeloval je tudi pri ustanovitvi področja za strateške inovacije, ki ga trenutno vodi.
Dr. Boštjan Gregorc, DEM
Boštjan Gregorc je doktoriral na Fakulteti za strojništvo v Mariboru in leta 2006 začel poklicno pot v podjetju Dravske elektrarne Maribor. Ukvarjal se je s prenovami, implementacijo novih tehnoloških rešitev, s področjem vzdrževanja, uvajanja inovativnih tehnoloških sistemov in področjem prediktivnega vzdrževanja. Sodeluje pri različnih evropskih in mednarodnih projektih. Je soavtor več znanstvenih in konferenčnih člankov. Od leta 2019 je vodja službe razvoja Dravskih elektrarn Maribor.
Marjan Eberlinc, direktor, Plinovodi
Marjan Eberlinc je direktor družbe Plinovodi in od leta 2010 predsednik Energetske zbornice Slovenije. Diplomiral je na Fakulteti za strojništvo in se nato zaposlil v inženirski družbi Rudis, kjer je bil zaposlen na vodilnih delovnih mestih in delal na področju energetskih projektov doma in v tujini. Januarja 2000 je v družbi Geoplin prevzel mesto direktorja tehničnega sektorja. V letu 2003 je postal namestnik glavnega direktorja in član uprave, nato pa je leta 2005 postal direktor družbe Geoplin plinovodi, ki se je kasneje preimenovala v družbo Plinovodi.
Dr. Iztok Tiselj, strokovnjak za jedrsko tehniko, IJS
Prof. dr. Iztok Tiselj je vodja Katedre za Jedrsko tehniko na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani ter raziskovalec na Odseku za reaktorsko tehniko Instituta Jožef Stefan. Njegovo znanstveno delo so numerične simulacije in eksperimenti na področju jedrske termohidravlike. Pomemben del njegovih predavanj, namenjenih študentom in tudi širši javnosti, zavzemajo teme s področja oskrbe z energijo na svetovni ravni, v Evropi in Sloveniji.
mag. Silvester Jeršič, direktor projekta izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi, HESS
Študij elektrotehnike na Univerzi v Ljubljani in na Univerzi v Mariboru. Magistrski študij iz gospodarskega inženirstva na Univerzi v Novi Gorici. Poklicno pot je pričel kot inženir za vzdrževanje v Termoelektrarni Brestanica, vodja službe vzdrževanja, vodja službe za kakovost ter predstavnik vodstva za kakovost in okolje. Sodeloval pri številnih projektih v različnih vlogah, tudi vodja ali direktor projekta (samo največji: izgradnja plinskih turbin 2 x 114 MW v TE Brestanica, izgradnja simulatorja za plinske turbine GT11N2 v TE Brestanica, izgradnja HE na spodnji Savi, idr.). Danes zaposlen v družbi Hidroelektrarne na spodnji Savi (HESS, d.o.o.), vodja tehničnega sektorja in direktor projekta izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi.
Mojca Černelč Koprivnikar, moderatorka, Prosperia
Ustvarjalka in voditeljica številnih naprednih in inovativnih strokovnih dogodkov ter omizij, predavateljica in strokovnjakinja za energetiko ter ustanoviteljica in direktorica podjetja Prosperia. Verjame v ustvarjalno moč inovativnosti in rasti posameznikov ter organizacij z naprednimi strokovnimi dialogi in povezovanji.
Why is Digital Energy Summit a MUST this year?
This summit will bring together the best minds to address increasingly important regional collaboration and the digitalisation of the energy sector – at a time when Europe is struggling with an energy crisis and new technologies are significantly changing business models and improving grid stability.
Who is this event for?
The event is designed for all participants who are involved in the energy industry in any manner and who want to:
- learn about the major challenges to the energy sector in 2023 and how to address them;
- discover how technology, data analytics, and machine learning can help you increase safety and prevent accidents, reduce operational costs and optimise your processes;
- challenge the disruption in the energy sector and volatility in the time of crisis;
- meet possible partners with whom they can achieve greater market success;
- expand possibilities for (new) market prospects;
- get first-hand insights into the complex energy sector ecosystem;
- connect market-based solutions with public/state energy services.
Why to attend?
The event is a MUST for those who:
- are aware that data is the new oil and how optimization is crucially needed in the energy sector;
- understand that digital transformation is the next big thing that cannot be avoided, and want to get more ideas about how they can implement it;
- are seeking new digital approaches and solutions for overcoming problems as the energy sector becomes more complex;
- want to connect with relevant stakeholders in the energy sector;
- aim to find out more about the most significant trends in 2023 in one place, and be the first to use them to their advantage;
- would like to meet (potential) customers and boost demand for their services or products;
- are searching for new ways for optimization, measurement, automation, and digitization.
The power of 5 digital and energy industry representatives you can find at Digital Energy Summit
Energy: producers, utilities, suppliers and aggregators; demand side management services
Digital:data and analytics, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, emerging technologies
Networks: transmission system operators (TSOs) and Distribution system operators (DSOs)
Industries: mobility, telecommunications, automation, IoT
Others: regulatory bodies, policy, research and academia
Gold Sponsor:
Digital Promotor:
Digital Promotor:
Media Sponsor:
Media Sponsor:
Register for the event now and receive 20 % discount on the ticket pass. If you register later, the prices will go up. Don’t wait as the tickets can sell out fast.
VAT charges might apply as per the billing address.
Preverite ugodne popuste za skupinske vstopnice in NVO, občine in fakultete.
Imate zanimiv primer inovacije na področju (zelene) energetike? Ne zamudite priložnosti in nastopite!
Mi bomo poskrbeli za izvedbo in organizacijo vrha inovativnih Inovacija energetike, ki vsako leto privabi številne prodorne deležnike iz različnih panog, ki delujejo na področju zelene energetike, vi pa sprejmite izziv, se prijavite in izkoristite izvrstno priložnost za predstavitev vašega primera iz prakse.
Prihodnost zelene energetike krojijo inovativni in pogumni, še zlasti v spremenjenih okoliščinah!
The agenda will cover the impact of enabling technologies, such as automation, digital twin and artificial intelligence (AI) on the energy sector. Other sessions will explore high priority topics of cybersecurity, big data analytics, smart metering, and interoperability. You can also expect presentations of new business models and use cases, Q&A sessions, fire chats, panel discussions and round tables.
Degradacija Li-ionskih akumulatorjev in njihova življenjska doba,
dr. Robert Dominko, KI
Siemens Energy, sistem inovacij kot gonilo razvoja, Aleš Prešern, Siemens Energy
Govorci: Martin Novšak, GEN energija, Aleš Prešern, Siemens Energy, mag. Jože Bajuk, Petrol
Degradacija Li-ionskih akumulatorjev in njihova življenjska doba,
dr. Robert Dominko, KI
Predstavitelji kandidirajo za naslov »najboljša inovacija 2020« po izboru udeležencev
(5-minutne predstavitve primerov in 15-minutni razgovori z govorci)
• Description of Matrix Charging®,
Hermann Stockinger, Easelink
• Izboljšanje energ. učinkovitosti in kakovosti el. energije z rešitvijo IBM E power,
Roman Novak, Janez Smukavec, Energovat, Elektro Gorenjska
• Trajnostni energetsko-podnebni načrt Gorenjske (TEPN),
Anton Pogačnik, LEAG
• Uporaba umetne inteligence pri proizvodnji toplote za daljinski sistem,
Matjaž Valenčič, Interenergo
• Tehnični, operativni in administrativni učinki mednarodnega projekta SINCRO.GRID,
Uroš Kerin, Eles
• Pametna naprava RAM-1,
Vid Vončina, Izoelektro
• Vizualizacija prostorskih in ključnih podatkov sredstev na terenu v realnem času,
Matjaž Breznik, TROIA
• Uporaba vodikove celice za uravnavanje omrežja,
dr. Gregor Černe, INEA
Spoznajte inovatorje (1. del) in dialogi z govorci (2. del)
Digitalisation of Energy. Where opportunities are?
Shuli Goodman, LF Energy
(prva nagrada za tekmovanje EU start-up)
Revolucionarna proizvodnja katalizatorjev za vodikove gorivne celice
dr. Matija Gatalo in Tomaž Bizjak, KI in ReCatalyst
Govorci: dr. Robert Golob, GEN-I, mag. Andrej Ribič, Elektro Ljubljana, dr. Ivan Šmon, Elektro Gorenjska
Vtisi drugega dne in energetski dialogi udeležencev
Zaključek Vrha inovativnost v energetiki, 12. Inovacija energetike ’20
Some of the companies we’ve worked with so far:
Frequently asked question we receive.
Conference fees, discounts and payments
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How can I register? What are the registration rates?
Please visit the registration page for registration, deadlines, rates, and other registration information.
Can I purchase a corporate pass?
Sure, you can purchase single or corporate pass. When you book at least 3 tickets at the same time, you are entitled to 10% discount (Corporate pass). Should you require any help with registration, contact us at info@prosperia.si or call us at +386 31 717 599.
What is the registration rate?
All conference registration fees are listed on the registration page of the Conference website.
Why did I receive Advance Invoice?
If you purchase the ticket in the month(s) before the conference takes place, you will receive Advance Invoice to fulfill tax legislation requirements. Invoice will be sent to you after the event.
When will I receive an invoice?
Invoices will be issued immediately after you payment has been confirmed if paying by credit card or paypal. If paying by wire transfer an official invoice after the conference.
Is there any discount available?
When you book at least 3 tickets at the same time, you are entitled to 10% discount (Corporate pass). Please contact us at info@prosperia.si for bigger groups (7+) so we can arrange some extra discount for you.
Is it possible to make the registration payment on-site at the conference?
No. All registration payments must have been received by Prosperia before the conference commences. Authors must ensure that their payments are complete by the Use case speaker registration deadline.
Can I register for the conference and then revisit the site to complete the payment at a later time?
No. Registration/payment is a single process and must be completed end-to-end. It is possible to pay by credit card, Paypal or a bank transfer.
How can I pay the conference fee?
It is possible to pay by credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer.
Am I able to complete a Registration/Payment for multiple delegates?
Yes. When you book at least 3 tickets at the same time, you are entitled to 10% discount. Be careful to choose the appropriate ticket – Corporate pass in order to be entitled to the discount.
Can my invoice be sent to someone else? E.g. An accounts office or another person?
Invoices are generated automatically within our registration system and can only be sent to the e-mail address provided in the registration form. Should you require any help, contact us at info@prosperia.si or call us at +386 31 717 599.
Is it possible to change the information shown in an invoice?
Normally no. However, minor changes can be sometimes be made in exceptional circumstances. As the invoices are generated automatically within our registration system this may not always be possible.
Cancellation policy and substitutions
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What if I cannot attend the in-person conference, will there be an option to attend virtually?
Yes. The conference offers 2 options: in person or virtual attendance. The conference fee is the same, no matter which option you choose.
Can I change in-person attendance to online attendance or vice versa?
You can switch from online attendance to live free of charge until Friday, December 2nd, 10 am local time at the latest.
You can switch from live to online-attendance until Wednesday, December 7th, 10 am local time at the latest. For your change to be confirmed, please send us an email to info@prosperia.si.
I have completed a registration/payment for the conference, but I am now unable to attend. Can I have my payment refunded?
Logout or cancellation of the participant’s registration is possible without the obligation to pay the participant’s fee. This must be done in writing to info@prosperia.si at least 30 days before the event (until midnight on November 7). However, 30% of the payment will be charged for administration costs if registration is cancelled between 9 and 29 days before the event (cancellation sent between November 8, 0:01 and November 28 midnight).
In case of late cancellation, which means less than eight (8) days before the event (November 29, 0:01 am or later), or non-participation in the event, the participation fee will be charged in full.
You can also arrange for another person to attend on your behalf at no extra cost. Check out our cancellation policy in General Terms and Conditions for Events by Prosperia d. o. o. for more information.
I have completed a registration/payment, but I am now unable to attend the conference. May a colleague attend instead of me?
Yes, this is the preferred solution. Please let us know if you wish to make a replacement by sending an e-mail to info@prosperia.si informing us of the name and e-mail of the participant that is replacing you. There is no cost associated with a replacement if made until 3 pm on the day preceding the event (December 6 until 3 pm).
What is the registration cancelation policy?
Logout or cancellation of the participant’s registration is possible without the obligation to pay the participant’s fee. This must be done in writing to info@prosperia.si at least 30 days before the event (until November 7 midnight). However, 30% of the payment will be charged for administration costs if registration is cancelled between 9 and 29 days before the event (cancellation sent between November 8, 0:01 and November 28 midnight).
In case of late cancellation, which means less than eight (8) days before the event (November 29, 0:01 am or later), or non-participation in the event, the participation fee will be charged in full.
You can also arrange for another person to attend on your behalf at no extra cost. Check out our cancellation policy in General Terms and Conditions for Events by Prosperia d. o. o. for more information.
Conference venue and accomodation
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What accommodation do you suggest?
We arranged special promotional prices for your accommodation in some of the Ljubljana hotel. Click here to find more information.
Can you arrange accommodation for me?
Participants are responsible for the booking and cost of their accommodation. Due to the limited capacities of the hotels, you are advised to book your hotel room as soon as possible. Prosperia cannot be held responsible for individual reservations and all costs shall be borne by the guest. Guests should acquaint themselves with the cancellation policy at the time of reservation.
Where will the conference take place?
The Digital Energy Summit ‘22 will be held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The conference will take place at the Domus Medica Congress center, located on Dunajska cesta 162 in Bežigrad, at business and residential estate Dunajski kristali, next to the northern Ljubljana ring and in the immediate vicinity of the World Trade Centre (WTC). You will receive detailed information on parking and how to reach the venue 2 days prior the event.
Accompanying Persons
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Can I bring an Accompanying Person to a Welcome reception?
Yes, that is possible until the catering arrangements will be finalized. Please contact as at info@prosperia.si or call us at +386 31 717 599 no later than December 1st to arrange the details.
General information
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What is the attire for the conference?
Sports coats or business casual for Welcome Reception and business casual for the conference.
I only want to attend the second day of the conference (8. 12.), is that possible?
Sure, you are welcome to join us only on the second day of the conference however the price is the same whether you book both days or just one.
Is the conference schedule available?
Details and a full conference schedule is available on our website.
How can I receive a list of participants or attendees?
Due to GDPR we cannot provide a list of attendees. However there will be plenty opportunity for networking during conference breaks.
Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
You can print your certificate of attendance upon logging in into your account.
What is the difference between in-person and online attendance?
If you join us physically in Ljubljana, you will have the opportunity to meet all the speakers personally and be able to network with other participants more easily. Imagine the memories you have from previous conferences you have attended with friends and colleagues from all over the world. There is nothing more exciting than attending a groundbreaking presentation or sharing a relaxed evening with colleagues, in a fascinating pre-Christmas beautifully decorated city, after a conference day of intense training. Nothing will ever replace the beauty and joy of face-to-face human interaction and scientific business collaboration.
Yet we understand that in-person attendance can be challenging for some of you. So, we are making it easy for online audiences to attend and project their presentations to other virtual attendants via live streaming. Both audiences will be able to interact with the speakers, ask questions and participate in polls in the same manner. Collaborative activities will be open for online attendees to join virtually. As an online participant, you can expect cutting-edge, technological, and interactive functions that will enable you to engage equally in the event, network, and expand your professional networks. We have worked hard in the past two years to perfect the field of online events.
Are networking opportunities available for those who attend the conference online?
As an online participant, you can expect cutting-edge, technological, and interactive functions that will enable you to engage equally in the event, network, and expand your professional networks. We have worked hard in the past two years to perfect the field of online events.
The conference consists of live-streamed talks. By attending online, you will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers, ask questions, and participate in polls just like the live participants can. During the breaks, breakout rooms will be provided for additional networking with fellow colleagues.
You needn’t worry about spending time and money on travelling to be physically present in a conference hall. You can still achieve professional growth, be motivated, learn, and exchange knowledge via livestreaming, the chat, and the Q&A sessions.
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How can my organization become a conference sponsor?
Sponsorship opportunities are limited, so act today. To become a sponsor and for more information, please contact us at info@prosperia.si or call us at 00386 31 717 599 for sponsorship opportunities. Together we will identify the most suitable option that best supports your business goals.
Story of success presenters
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I'll present a use case - is there a PowerPoint template I should be using?
You will receive a PPT template and an invitation to an online workshop for speakers and rehearsal (online). You may as well use your own template.